Lakerstats News
Lakerstats Updated for Exciting 2012-13 Season!
So it’s been a while since we updated Lakerstats with everything after the conclusion of the 2011-12 season, but as of today, all stats and information are 100% up-to-date.

Dwight Howard shows off new Lakers jersey at press conference.
In celebration of the all the incredible acquisitions that Mitch Kupchak and the front office made in the offseason, which included Dwight Howard and Steve Nash, we have updated the web site title banner in honor of these monumental moves.
In addition to Nash and Howard, the Lakers also signed former All-Star Antawn Jamison, sharp-shooter Jodie Meeks, guard Chris Duhon, and forward Earl Clark from Orlando in the DH12 trade. In fact the Lakers have just three players on their roster who were with the team when they beat Boston for the title in 2010, Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, and Metta World Peace. It’s definitely a new chapter this season, one that hopefully ends with the franchise’s 17th NBA championship!

Steve Nash with his new #10 Lakers jersey.
We’re also going to get the rest of the site updated this year to the correct look. Some of the old stat pages still have the old web site’s layout, but that will be fixed. It’s just a big process to convert those pages over, but we will get them uniform very soon.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email us at Thank you for your support, and here’s to a very special season for the Los Angeles Lakers in 2012-13!
Update on Recent Lakerstats Story Inactivity
I’ve gotten some emails asking why our game recaps haven’t been updated in about a month. Well to just answer in one place, the reason is simply that real life took over for a bit, and I just had some other priorities that unfortunately didn’t allow me to write the recaps. However ALL stats, box scores, etc. are updated after every game. So you can always count on those being current no matter what. I make sure those are all always done. That’s what this site is really about in the end, a statistical database.
Also, while I was out of town last week, somehow a settings file got corrupted during a server backup, and you’ll notice some of the boxes and the sides of the site, and some of the main content pages look a little wonky. I have to recreate the CSS for those boxes unfortunately, so I will slowly be doing that this week so they look right. All the info is intact, they just don’t look pretty right now. But hang tight, they will be back to normal soon.
The game recaps should also begin again this week, as things are getting more normal again for me.
Thanks for all the emails and interest in the site, I didn’t honestly realize the stories were that important to people. It’s great to hear. And thanks for your support of the site!
New Lakerstats Format!
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we’ve completely revamped the look of the site. We have decided to move to a WordPress-driven web site so we can write more news, allow comments, and just add some general interaction to the web site that we haven’t had before. You can also actually comment on ANY page of the site, even the pages that just have stats. So that’s something interesting. You do not need to register a username to post comments, but you can if you want.
Also, some parts of the site haven’t been updated with the new look, but we’re slowly getting them all migrated over. If you come to a page that looks like the old site, it’s not a mistake. There is a lot of coding and database calls to get all the stat pages working right, so it does take a little time to convert them.
We hope you will enjoy our new look here, as we work to be a much more interactive place in conjunction with being a huge statistical resource for the Los Angeles Lakers.
If anyone is interested in being a blogger on the site, please send me an email at We are looking for writers to contribute to the site. We already have a new blogger, “vclakerfan,” who put up his first post yesterday. So if you’re a Laker fan and like to blather on about the Lakers and the NBA like we do, drop me an email.
Thanks for your support!
The Countdown to 2010-11 Begins. Lakerstats Updated for New Season!
The NBA released its full 2010-2011 team schedules today, which means next season is getting closer as the Lakers go for a three in a row for the second time under Phil Jackson.
Coinciding with the schedules being released today, we of course updated our 2010-2011 Lakers schedule as well. We also updated the current team roster and added in Steve Blake, Matt Barnes, and Theo Ratliff and their respective player bios. All the other different yearly areas of the site have been updated for the new season as well. Of course there’s not much data in them yet.
We’ve also completely revamped large portions of the site, cleaning data up, and combining some sections as well. If you look around, you’ll see some new sections that we haven’t had before like the Uniforms page for example. We now break out individual playoff seasons and All-Star game numbers in all player bios. Before the playoff numbers were just totals and we never had the All-Star stats at all. We’ve also re-worked a bunch of areas to make them more user-friendly and easier to find stats and information. Some of them were just too hard to navigate, and that’s been simplified.
Lastly, we’ve gotten the entire Team Records section up to date, it had been a little outdated and wasn’t 100% accurate. It is complete now and will update automatically as the season goes on. So if you want to track say Kobe’s career point totals after every game, this is the place to come. We do have to re-work back in some of the individual game and miscellaneous records, but we will do that soon.
So that’s it, looking forward to a great season and continuing to keep Lakerstats living up to its namesake. Any questions or comments, you can send us an e-mail by clicking the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of the site. Thanks for your support.
New Look for LakerStats!
As you have already undoubtedly noticed, LakerStats has a new look!
After five years, it was time for a facelift, and frankly I was never that happy with the colors and the look the site had back then. Now it’s done the way I envisioned it when I set out to start it.
All the pages do need to be updated for the new style, and that’s going to take a bit of time. So you will notice a lot of the sections still have the old layout and colors, but have no fear, they will be switched soon.
We would like to hear your thoughts on the new site, so please click the “Comments” link below and leave your feedback. Thanks!
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